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Welcome! I'm Nick Clarke, a singer & songwriter from the Isle of Man. I created this website to bring my songs to a wider audience. Please join my mailing list and subscribe to my youtube channel for my latest releases!

"Shine On Everyone" 8,100 Facebook views in 5 days

"She Don't Care" Released on Friday 18 August 2017

Another Road by Plasticine Dream

Plasticine Dream formed in 2007 and their first recorded track for the album, "Crystal Water Blue" written by Nick Clarke, debuted on local radio station 3FM, where it received very positive feedback on the Adam Russell show.
"This album is the best of 60s rock, given an up-to-date feel, with a little bit of funk added to the mix. I instantly liked the song Crystal Water Blue. It is well-crafted and easy on the ear. It wouldn't be out of place in today's charts. Other highlights were This Love Inside which reminded me of the early Who, which is no bad thing in my eyes. I Turn You On had a rhythmic sound like a cross between Helter Skelter and Purple Haze. Cloud Nine is a funky sounding song similar to those found on a Doobie Brothers album. All in all, a very good album, that in my mind would appeal to lovers of early Pink Floyd, The Beatles and more recently Oasis." (Manx Independent)

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